Asset Register Online Help


This application provides visual display to the Teignbridge District Council assets for the Community Right to Buy (CRTB) initiative, part of the Localism Act 2011. This process gives local communities the chance to bid, buy and take over the running of assets that are of value to them, such as pubs, village shops, library buildings or community centres. These assets could be owned by the council or other public body, a private company or an individual.
For more information on CRTB, please look here
We try to ensure that all the information on this site is as accurate and as up to date as possible but should you find any errors please let us know via the 'Rate this Service' option at the bottom of each page.

Map Page

Map Controls
Navigation Tools  
  Scroll around the map using the pointers of the navigation tool.
      Zoom in and out of the map.
      Zoom in and out of the map using the mouse's wheel.
  Clicking on the map will trigger an identify action of the layers below the mouse icon. This action will move you on to the Results page where the application/appeal's details are viewed.
There are two layers on the map, Buildings and Land owned by TDC.
Address/Postcode Search
Type in a part of the address or the postcode and hit the Search button. If nothing was found then you will be informed with a message.
If there are addresses, a panel will appear below the Address panel. Select the required address and the map will zoom to that location.
Identify Tool (Mouse Click)
Click on the required building or land on the map and the references from the search will appear in the Results panel.
The Results panel list is a set of links taking you to the Results page where the details of the building/land can be viewed.